Teahcer's Profile

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Tina Yuan
Speciality: Arts
Email: tinayuan11@gmail.com

籍贯:中国四川。毕业于四川大学经济管理学院,曾在四川峨嵋电影学院就读表演艺术专业。从小热爱音乐、舞蹈,小学到大学一直被选为学校舞蹈队成员。曾多次代表学校和城市参与演出和比赛,并得到产生良好的奖项。曾获得四川大学舞蹈大赛第一名,西南中国文化节舞蹈编排银杯,成都大学生文艺比赛第二名等。在国内、加拿大、Tampa,已经积累了11年丰富的成人、少儿舞蹈教学和演出经验。担任清水晨星舞蹈团舞蹈老师,从2011年至今5年。期间多次表演于华人社区举行的庆祝活动,Tampa Bay, Dunedin, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Sarasota组织的亚洲、中国艺术活动。


Hello everyone, my name is Tina Yuan. You may call me Ms. Tina. I was originally from Chengdu, Sichuan Province of China. I came to USA in year 2007. I attended Sichuan E Mei Film Academy for a year, majored in Dance and Performance; later on, I transferred to Sichuan University and got my BA in Arts. 

I have participated in many City level and Province level dance performances and dance competitions. Some of my achievements included:
1. First Place at the Dance Competition at Sichuan University.
2. Silver Cup Winner of Southwest of China Culture Festival Dance Competitions.
3. Second Place at China National Day Dance Competition.

I have performed at many different events and participated in many dance competitions in China, Canada, and USA. Over the past seven years, I have been more focusing on teaching and choreographing dances for adults and children. Currently I am the dance teacher for Clearwater Morning Star Dance Group.

The dance classes will be divided into two sessions based on children’s age and heights. I will not only teach Chinese traditional dance, also teach basic skill, Modern Dance, Jazz, etc.. The students will have the opportunity to learn variety of dances. I will motivate the students with lively and variety of teaching methods. I believe my passion and love for dance will have tremendous impact on the students as well. Let’s together have some fun.

As a Chinese Language teacher, I have been teaching, 1st grade to Third grade, at Great Wall Chinese School in Safety Harbor for the past three years. To keep my students interested in learning Chinese, I will use songs, cards, and other fun activities to help them remember.