Teahcer's Profile

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Shumin Zhang
Speciality: Language
Email: shumin_zh@hotmail.com




Hello, my name is Shumin Zhang. I am a doctor in Beijing before I came to America. I am working at Moffitt Cancer Center now. I love reading and love Chinese culture. It would be a great pleasure for me to spend some learning time with you: the lovely and energetic kids. I will make every effort to make sure you can learn something from my class. I wish you can know more about Chinese culture, and find your interests in Chinese.

大家好, 我叫张淑敏, 来美之前在北京我一直从事临床医学工作, 现在美进行癌症医学研究. 我喜欢阅读, 热爱中国文化.  和天真活泼, 充满活力的学生们在一起共同学习一直是我梦寐以求的想法. 我会尽我的全力让你们在我的课堂上学习掌握汉语知识, 同时尽可能多地介绍中国文化和传统习俗. 希望你们在我的课堂上发现兴趣, 获得知识和快乐; 同时希望你们能学有所用,在未来的事业发展中更好的展现自我.