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School Announcements
2021 Fall Semester Begin on Sunday 8/15/21
7/24/2021 7:31:08 PM
Tampa Bay Chinese School 2021 Fall semester starts on Sunday, 8/15/2021. Registration starts at noon in room 1301, building BSN, USF main campus.
Online class registration now is ready at read more..
2021年春季班开学及注册通知 Spring 2021 Online Classes registration begin 12/24/2021
12/23/2020 2:24:19 PM
1. 坦帕湾中文学校春季班将于1月10日开学,均为网上授课
2. 网上注册于12月24日开始
3. 收费方式仍通过Zelle or PayPal
4. 1月3日及9日下午1至5时将在文化中心现场办理注册及缴费,届时可收现金或个人支票
5. 开学之日,唯有已交费者方可进入课堂
6. 网上在线注册: read more..
TBCS Fall Semester Online Registration Begins on August 1st.
7/31/2020 7:12:43 PM
read more..
2020 春季新增成人中国竹笛/葫芦丝班和键盘乐器乐理和演奏班
1/23/2020 7:27:27 PM
1. 成人中国竹笛/葫芦丝班,由蓝冰侠老师任教,每周日上午11时。教授竹笛和葫芦丝的基础知识、指法和气息、吹奏基础和技巧等。
2. 键盘乐器乐理和演奏,由李丹舟(霏霏)老师任教,每周日下午1时。教授器乐基本乐理、键盘乐器的基本指法和演奏技巧等。
We are pleased to announce that two new courses are being added in this semester, starting at the beginning of February: 1. read more..
TBCS appeared on Tampa Bay Times again
7/9/2019 8:03:21 PM
TBCS Summer Program received attention from TBT staff writer and again was put on news. Congratulations to Pirncipal Cai and Teacher Penny Yang for running a succesful Summer Program at the Florida Chinese Cultural Center (FCCC). Please see detail report here read more..
TBCS Summer Spoken Chinese Program
4/12/2019 7:07:43 PM
Tampa Bay Chinese School (TBCS) is pleased to announce the new 2019 summer spoken Chinese program. The program will be focused in improving students’ ability to speak and understand Chinese.
坦帕湾中文学校将于 2019 年 7-8 月在佛罗里达中华文化中心开设暑期汉语口语班。口语班将重点 帮助学生提高汉语的听说能力,同时增加学生对中国文化的了解。
Please download the program here read more..
2018 Fall Semester starts on 8/19
8/6/2018 8:27:28 AM
Tampa Bay Chinese School 2018 Fall semester starts on Sunday, 8/19/2018. Registration starts at noon in room 1301, building BSN, southeast of coop hall, USF main campus.
You can register online at our website. Click 'Classes', then the class/grade link to check class information and syllabus to see which class fits your children.
Print out your confirmation and bring read more..
TBCS Facebook Page Published
2/14/2016 12:34:21 PM
On November 17, 2015, TBCS published its first Facebook page at From now on the school's latest activity and event photos will be posted here, please connect and be friends with us!
2015 Chinese Essay Contest Winning Essays Published
6/12/2015 10:21:28 AM
The first prize winner essays have been published to here. Due to limited resource this year, we are unable to publish the entire collection of essay submission so only the essays that won the first prize from each group were selected in this read more..
Registration for Chinese Summer Camp is available!
3/31/2014 10:59:03 PM
1、地址:佛罗里达中华文化中心。13367 N 56th St, Tampa FL, 33617
read more..
TBCS 2013 Student Essay Award Ceremony and Talent show
6/4/2013 5:41:28 PM
Dear parents and students,
We concluded our spring 2013 semester with an award ceremony and talent show. This end-of-school-year party turned out to be an unforgettable event. Every student participating in the 2013 Chinese writing competition did a fantastic job. We also applaud our student and parent performers who gave a fabulous performance that really showcased their diverse talents. We feel so proud of our students and thank you all for your dedication and support to make read more..
4/10/2012 5:09:02 PM
updated on 8/29/2018
振华基金会创立于2012年3月。基金会的第一笔资金源于TBCS 董事长余汉华先生($2000),TBCS 董事杨力先生($500), 和热心社区事业的高兴,钟维馨夫妇($1000). 基金会的成立,也是许多为中文学校默默奉献多年的家长和朋友们长期以来的的心愿 – 帮助和鼓励天帕湾中文学校学生更好地向前发展和进步。振华基金会于2012年初成立以来,已受到华人社区及媒体的关注,请点击此read more..
TBCS and My Bright Dream Studio Joint Arts Contest
3/30/2012 1:48:34 PM
My Bright Dream Art Studio has invited TBCS to join its opening of the 1st Tampa Bay Area Youth Art Contest, to be held between April 1 and 28, 2012. All TBCS students, aged 5 to 18, are encouraged to submit their artworks to the contest committee. This is a great avenue to showcase students' art skills as they have acquired through TBCS arts classes and other channels.
To learn more about the contest, please view the read more..
2011 Story Telling Festival on November 20, 2011
11/16/2011 8:43:43 PM
Tradition goes on - Tampa Bay Chinese School Fall 2011 Story Telling Festival will be held on Sunday, November 20th, 2011 at USF Cooper Hall, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Pay attention, this year the Festival location has been changed to USF Cooper Hall Room 103 (the same building where regular classes are held). There will be read more..
TBCS Spring 2011 Party
5/8/2011 10:59:20 AM
Tampa Bay Chinese School Spring 2011 Party read more..
Chinese SAT Class offered at TBCS
1/25/2011 7:15:00 AM
天柏中文学校2011春季增开中文SAT辅导班,旨在帮助学生们提高SAT II 中文考试分数, 同时增加学生们对中国传统文化的认知。 read more..
2010-2011 Outstanding Student Award
10/10/2010 12:14:13 PM
2010-2011 TBCS Outstanding student award read more..
TBCS 2010-2011 Administrative Team Introduction
9/1/2010 5:19:32 AM
Principal: Vivian Sun
Assistant Principals: Frank Wu (teaching quality assurance and faculty management), Luyu Wang (parents-teachers coordination), Mei Sun (financial accounting and school supplies), Steve Yang (information services) read more..
2010 Tampa Bay Chinese School Writing Competition Results
5/24/2010 7:06:15 AM
Tampa Bay Chinese School 2nd Chinese Essay "My Dream" Competition has concluded successfully. We had twice as many participants as last year's contest and the overall quality and breadth of submissions went far beyond our expectation. Please click on ready more link to view list of this year's winners... read more..
TBCS Annual School Party (Potluck)
5/18/2010 1:34:43 PM
TBCS 2010 Annual School Party will be held on Saturday May 22, 2010 at Tampa Bay Baptist Conference Center located at:
15601 Lake Magdalene Boulevard
Tampa, FL 33613-1009
Besides the usual funs and foods, there will be the award ceremony for the TBCS 2nd Student Essay Competition.. read more..