Bill Li
大家好,我是Bill, 中文是我的第一语言,我喜欢阅读中文小说,喜欢中国文化。和一群充满创造力和想像力的学生们一起,共同学习汉字,汉语对我来说将是一个非常愉快的过程。我希望你们可以在我的课堂上学到知识,同时在字里行间体会到中国文化的气息。学生在课堂的投入和在作业上的投入将是本课的重心。我希望我的课堂帮你发现你的兴趣, 如果你学到知识同时获得快乐,你就是我的课堂上最优秀的学生。

Hello, this is Bill. I am a native Chinese speaker. I love reading and love Chinese culture. It would be a great journey for me to spend every Sunday afternoon with you: the young and creative you. I wish you can learn in my class. I wish you can know more about Chinese culture. The key to this class is your participation in classroom and in homework. I hope I can help you find your interests in Chinese. At the same time, if you enjoy this journey with me, you win.
Daniel Mantilla
I have pursued the study of art since early age in my native Colombia, attending both regular and special art lessons at “Viva el Arte” painting and drawing academy, the Institute of Culture and Tourism of Ibague, Colombia, Art Studio Olga Martinez, tempera painting at the Banc of the Republic, and others. I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Art from the University of South Florida where I received an Artistic Talent Grant and Diversity Enhancement, from the College of Visual and Performing Arts.

I have also participated in several group exhibitions in Colombia such as the exhibitions of posters organized by the United Nations to award the winning artists of the national competition of posters organized by the same institution in 1995, and most recently in the exhibition “Regional Salon” in 2008. I have exhibited in Tampa in several locations, including in both the 30 and the 31 annual student juried exhibition that was presented in the Contemporary Art Museum of Tampa, Fl, and I have also exhibited in the Museum of Tampa in several occasions.

I have taught art and music lessons both in Colombia and in Tampa to children from different ages. I have really enjoyed teaching children because their imagination is very rich and their work has enriched me as an artist and as a teacher. I currently work in a Middle School, teach private lessons to children and I have worked at the Tampa Bay Chinese School since last year. Here at the School, I have taught a great focused group of talented young students.
Dr. Chunhua Cao

My name is Chunhua Cao and I have been teaching Chinese to adults from non-Chinese background in Tampa Bay Chinese School for almost one year now. I am also in charge of the class of kids from non-Chinese families.

I got my bachelor’s degree from Hunan Normal University, a base of training teachers, and my master’s degree from Shanghai International Studies University. I majored in English Language and Culture, teaching overseas students Chinese in our university and was well received. From that time on, I have been interested in teaching Chinese to non-Chinese background.

The students from my adult class vary in age, but they are all self-motivated in studying Chinese. As beginners, we chose Conversational Chinese 301 as our text book, a fantastic book with illustration of daily conversations, grammar part and cultural tips. It also has a DVD of the conversation in the book to help people develop conversational skills. After two semesters’ study, my student’s language ability of listening, speaking, and recognizing Chinese characters has improved a lot. In class, I try my best to solidify the use of Chinese we have learnt before. For example, I will make some English sentences for them to translate into Chinese by using the expressions and sentence structures we learnt the previous week. To get acquainted with a different language and culture is fascinating.

As for the kids class, the students age from 6 to 10 and almost all of them are from non-Chinese families. We are now using the textbook of Chinese Paradise – the Fun Way to Learn Chinese, which is an interesting series of books aiming at teaching kids how to express simple ideas in Chinese. It also includes some introduction of Chinese culture and traditions. I teach the kids some simple daily conversations and sometimes singing in Chinese. The new textbook has many good illustrations in pictures, bringing very nice visual effect. I give the students opportunities to participate in class activities so that they will not be distracted away from class.

Dr. Ling Wu
I just received my Ph.D. in Statistics from University of South Florida
(USF) in May 2010. I have been teaching mathematics and statistics
courses for undergraduate students at USF since Spring 2005. Besides, I
also have substantial experience of tutoring high school or even middle
school kids to participate in math competitions or improve their SAT math
performance. Currently I am an instructor in Math. and Stat. department
at USF.
Elaine Knuckles

Elaine Knuckles has been a teacher with Hillsborough County Schools for 30 years. She is a graduate of USF, and has taught students on many grade levels, from kindergarten through middle school, including gifted children and children with special needs. For the past 10 years she has been working at Tampa Palms Elementary, teaching first and second grade. She also coordinates the Odyssey of the Mind program, which is an exciting creative problem-solving competition.

Fengmin Wei
Ms. Fengmin Wei graduated from Guangxi Art Institute, majoring in Music and Dance Education. After graduation, Ms. Wei taught children’s music and Chinese folk dance in China for more than 10 years. During that time, she instructed and choreographed students won many dance competitions. She herself also won many awards for her choreography, including two “most creative choreograph” awards.

Ms. Wei moved to Florida to join her husband in 2000. She has been actively involved in local Chinese community activities. She has performed and choreographed for Chinese New Year celebration, Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, Asian Fest, SPIFF, and other events. Additionally, she is choreographer for Tampa Bay Sunshine Dance Group. She instructed and choreographed Tampa Bay Chinese School’s Chinese New Year dance performance three years in a row.

Jinghua Lin
我叫蔺靖华,女,教育学硕士学位。来美国之前,我在中国西北地区的一所著名高校担任了七年中国现代历史教员。同时,在西北大学修了两年中国历史文化学博士学位课程。来美国以后,先后在南佛罗里达大学教授本科中国历史两年,在埃克大学教授本科中文两年,现在已有整整十年教龄了。 我在坦帕中文学校担任中文教员已经三年了。现在我所带的五年级已经完成中文第五册,零九年春季将开始中文第六册的教学。

My name is Jinghua Lin. Having obtained a Master’s degree majored in Education. I was a lecturer in a medical university in Xi’an, China, for 7 years before I came to the United States. I had also been a PhD student in Northwestern University, China, at that time. My teaching experiences in the United States include 2 years of General Chinese History teaching in USF and 2 years of Chinese language teaching in Eckerd College. Thus, I have been a teacher for more than 10 years. Three years passed after I came to teach in Tampa Bay Chinese School. Now I am a teacher for 5th grade.
Phone number: 813-978-3110
Jun Tian
Li Wang

教育背景: 毕业于南开大学医学院临床专业(七年制),硕士学位。在天津市第一中心医院神经内科从事临床工作四年。于2005年到USF参加科研项目。热爱中国传统文化,有良好的中文功底,普通话标准流利,爱孩子。参加中文学校应聘,经过面试竞争上岗,教学至今。

Name: Lily Wang
Class: Grade 8
Teaching Experience: 2 years
Educational Background: Graduated from Nankai University, College of Medicine. Degree: M.D, M.S. Worked as resident doctor at Department of Neurology, the First Central Hospital of Tianjin for 4 years. Came to USF on 2005 to join a research program. Have passion on studying traditional Chinese culture, well trained Chinese speaking, reading, writing skills. Being interviewed by Chinese school board committee before the teaching position was offered.
The full score for the final score of the semester is 100 points. Students score higher than 60 are qualified to go to upper grade.
中文第八册的教学内容需用一学年的时间完成。按照学校教学进度要求每两次课完成一课内容的学习,每学期保证完成6课书的教学,在时间允许的情况下完成全部14课书的教学。本册书的教学目的是通过课文词语成语解释,帮助学生听懂包括较复杂成语俗语在内的汉语普通话。通过课堂复习,继续巩固学生以往所学的内容, 同时培养学生用汉语表达的自觉性和语感。鼓励学生课后用汉语和同学及家长对话,对所学的生字要求会写。本学年要求学生能用所学句型造完整通顺的句子,了解一些常见成语的含义及常用典故的意思,了解中国重大节日,及中国人的日常生活
The Tampa Bay Chinese School recommends finishing book 8 in one academic year. My goal is to finish at least 6 lessons in each semester, try to finish all 14 lessons in one year. In the fall semester, I hope to help the students understanding better daily conversation, and the use of proverbs and idioms; I also plan to review what they heave learned in past lessons. I will encourage students to speak Chinese in class and at home, and create a habit of thinking in Chinese. Students are required to master new vocabularies, phrases in each lesson. By the end of the year, all students should understand the basic meanings of some most commonly used Chinese idioms. They will know the meaning of major Chinese holidays and what’s the daily life like in China today.
Lihua Li
My name is Lihua Li. I teach Early Childhood Development Class A & B at Tampa Bay Chinese School.

I got both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from China’s prestigious Tsinghua University (Beijing, China). Although an EE major, I love Chinese linguistics and Chinese literature very much, and have a very strong Chinese language background.

I came to the U.S. in 1996 to join my husband. I worked as a software engineer for about 4 years before I quit my job to take care of my new born daughter. While taking care of my younger daughter at home, I realized the importance of early childhood education. I also found my true passion ---- teaching. I love teaching; I also love kids. I can always find a way to connect with my students.

I have a loving husband and two beautiful daughters. I love singing and dancing.



Min Li
我叫李敏,毕业于山东大学,在中国从事了十五年的中学教育工作,主要教数学.后来做了副校长.来美之后,曾做过会计工作,在Tampa Bay Chinese School 任教两年.现任六斑和十二班的中文老师.六班现有学生十七名,年龄八岁到十三岁,跨度较大,中文水平参差不齐.第六册课本除了生字以外,课文中再不出现汉语拼音,读和写是六班的难点.为了照顾到不同程度的学生,我将采取在课堂上多读多写多做练习的方式,使各个层次的学生在现有的基础上都有所进步提高. 十二班是我们学校最高斑,学生的听说读写基础较好,已学完学校所规定的十二册教科书,本学期我将采取不固定的教材,选教一些中国文化历史地理常识,选教一点写作和语法知识,做一些有关这方面的练习,为学生能适应各种类型的中文考试做准备.请校领导和家长监督实施.


My name is Min Li. I graduated from Shandong University. I have had fifteen years of teaching experience as a math teacher and vice principal in Jinan the 39th Middle School in China.I have been teaching the class six and class tweleve in Tampa Bay Chinese Shool for two years. There are 17 students in class six, ages varying from 8 to 13. Their levels and knowledge of Chinese are different. Apart from new words, there are no pinyin present to aid the students in reading. Reading and writing is the hardest for class six to grasp. To make it easier for the students who are having a hard time, I will let them practice the learning material over and over again many times during class. This would make the different levels students improve in addition to their known knowledge. Class 12 is the highest class in our school. The students of this class have high levels of Chinese. They have finished learning the last book required for their education. In this semester, I would start using miscellaneous study materials to enhance their learning to teach the students more of China's culture history and geography. I will also teach some tips on writing and gramatical knowledge and prepare students for future Chinese tests and assessments. I hope the school board and parents would supervise my actions according to above.

Min Li
Motoko Hunting

This is primarily a drawing and painting class, with occasional endeavors in other areas of art for seasonal events, such as collage for Halloween and printing for winter greeting, for example. Children learn the basic skills in realistic drawing, including terminologies. In the first part of the class I have children do easy-to-follow drawing exercises with charcoal, which they love, because it is such a flexible medium. The main purpose for doing that is to introduce the objective for the lesson in a fun and practical way. In the rest of the class, we apply it to more advanced exercises. Last semester we mostly concentrated on drawing people and animals, starting from faces to overall bodies. 2 semesters ago we put emphasis on seeing things in volume, drawing mostly from still life, while practicing how to mix and apply paints. We went over perspective during that course. Children have an opportunity to experiment with a wide range of materials as we have in the past used drawing pencils, charcoal, pastel, color pencils, Conte crayons and watercolor paint.

I moved from Japan to the United States about 11 years ago. I went back to college to pursue a career in art a few years ago, and in 2007, I got my bachelors degree in Fine Art from USF. I myself am an active painter and drawer, involved in many exhibitions and events throughout the year. Since I loved to draw when I was a child, I love to see interested kids have the opportunities to experience serious art guidance. The class has had a range of children from 5 years of age through 10 years of age, but we also welcome those who don’t fall into that age group. We have enjoyed a great mix of heritage: Chinese, Japanese and Korean. I have had great experiences sharing my passion in art at this school, and am looking forward to seeing the little artists in class again.

The supplies a student needs to prepare for this class are: a sketch book, drawing pencils and an eraser, as well as watercolor paint and color pencils later on. The charcoals will be provided from the instructor.

Penny Yang
在人才济济的中国人群中,感谢中文学校把这个机会给我。我总是告诉自己每一个机会同时也是一次挑战。 相信中文学校这个讲台是一个表现自我,锻炼自我,和证明自我的地方。

自己有了小孩之后我就很喜欢小孩,所谓的爱屋及乌吧, 觉得小孩子特别可爱。另外自从有了小孩子后,我开始想怎样去教育自己的小孩,这使我感觉到中文学校的重要性。我希望我的小孩学中文,了解中国文化,能够为他自己是中国人而感到自豪。要想做到这些光靠家庭的力量是不够的。中文学校能给我们提供很大帮助。中文学校的每一个老师教书都很认真。一字一句,一笔一画,认认真真,一丝不苟。小孩在这里学中文,基础打的很扎实。同时老师还会在课堂上讲一些中国文化,学校还经常组织一些课外活动。课堂是一个帮助小孩学习的小环境,中文学校是一个帮助小孩成长的大环境。

我在国内时教过书,我很享受教学的乐趣, 一堂课教下来,我心情很愉快。 所以我还是蛮有信心把班上学生带好的。希望学校老师多多提宝贵意见,希望家长多多和我交流。
Qi Zhang

电话: 352-346-0082 (手机)


Qi Zhang, M.A.
Tel: 352-346-0082 (cell)

Ms. Qi Zhang is a doctoral student in the Second Language Acquisition/Instructional Technology program in College of Education at University of South Florida (USF). She held a M.A. in English Linguistics and a B.A. in English Language and Literature in China. Her teaching experience includes English as a foreign language in colleagues and universities in China, English as a second language at the English Language Institute (ELI) at USF, preservice teacher training at USF, and Chinese as a foreign language at Tampa Bay Chinese School. She is interested in second language literacy, bilingualism, and foreign language teacher training.
Qin He
My name is Qin He, and I like reading, teaching, and love children. Every time I see the shining eyes of children and hear their innocent laughter, my heart fills with bursts of joy; seeing the gradual progress of the Chinese students gives me a sense of accomplishment. This is what I keep in mind when I teach Chinese.

I taught 9 years of Chinese in Huaxia Chinese School in New York. I think a qualified Chinese teacher must have a sense of love, patience and responsibility. I hold myself to these standards.

I will use a variety of ways of teaching to inspire enthusiasm among the students and guide them to actively participate in teaching. I hope they will enjoy Chinese and apply the knowledge learned to everyday life.



Ren Xin

Q: Introduce yourself, including a photo of yourself if you could, such as how long you have taught at TBCS, what's your background and qualifications related to teaching classes at TBCS, what interested you in continuing teaching at TBCS, etc.

A: I stared teaching Chinese at TBCS from 2006. Before then, I’ve taught Chinese in Palm Beach County Chinese School and Palm Beach Community College for 3 years. I am holding a Certificate in Chinese teaching issued by National Office on the Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language (NOCTFL or Han Ban) and a Certificate in Chinese teaching issued by USF Confucius Institute.

我从2006年秋季开始在Tampa Bay Chinese School教中文至今。之前在Palm Beach County的现代中文学校和Palm Beach Community College从事过三年学龄儿童和成人的中文教学。持有国家汉办颁发的外汉语教学教师培训证书及USF孔子学院颁发的对外汉语教学法培训证书。




Sharon Wang
我在TBCS义务担任春蕾舞蹈队中国民族舞的舞蹈老师已有4年。TBCS春蕾舞蹈队从2005年9月成立以来,在历年的无论是Tampa Bay 华人社区举行的庆祝活动,还是在Tampa、St. Petersburg、Dunedin一些当地组织的亚洲艺术节的活动中,TBCS春蕾舞蹈队都有精彩的表演。中国民族舞是我的业余爱好之一。当然还有阅读、书法、摄影、烹调、太极拳。徜徉于它们之间,我既被它们本身的美所折服,又被它们蕴藏着的文化内涵所感动。它们不仅丰富了我的生活,更为我带来了快乐和享受。

I started teaching Chinese at TBCS in September 2008.

I feel fortunate to have experienced great changes in China’s history -- from the end of the Cultural Revolution to the 80’s reform period during the time I lived in China. However, I’ve also been able to see great change in America as well. These are times of change. China is gradually opening up to the world and the world is gaining a better understanding of China. As an immigrant from China, I am very proud of the vibrant and historic Chinese culture. I hope that this pride is passed onto future generations, and I am grateful to see this culture spread in America. The Chinese language is an important stepping-stone to begin the road of discovery and learning of Chinese culture. I believe that in the future, Mandarin language will be as commonly known as the Chinese “dumpling” to Americans – if we each put effort into spreading our language. This is what motivates me to teach Chinese at TBCS.

I’ve been a volunteer as a Chinese folk dance coach at TBCS youth dance group for the past 4 years. I helped establish and have coached this dance group since 2005. They have performed annually at local Chinese celebrations and activities, and they have been invited to perform at Asian festivals hosted by local communities in Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Dunedin. Chinese folk dance is one of my hobbies, which also include reading, calligraphy, photography, cooking and taichi. These hobbies inspire me with their natural beauty and cultural connotations. They fulfill my life and bring me plenty of happiness.

It is a great honor to be a Chinese teacher in TBCS and it’s a pleasure to teach there. I know that in order to be an effective teacher, it requires plenty of enthusiasm, patience, care, and love. I will try my best to make this class more suitable and fun for every student!

Mrs. Sharon Wang
Shuhua Liu

My name is Shuhua Liu and I am from Shandong province, China. I grew up in a teacher’s family. Ever since I was young, my father’s students visited my home and interacted with me. Some of them went to colleges, and others studied abroad. This scene remained in my memory and made me feel touched. When I graduated from University of Washington, I became a Kumon teacher responsible for English and math to K-12 students. Interaction with students is fulfilling and rewarding to me. This time, I am delighted to teach for TBCS. Having the pleasure to teach my mother tongue is a luxury to me. After sitting in the previous teacher Qi Zhang’s class, I learned many things that will help in teaching this age group in Chinese. With dedication and passion, I will help the students enjoy the process of learning Chinese.
Song Jin
My name is Song Jin, but you can also call me Jean; obviously it sounds like my family name. I came to the states last year, and teaching Chinese at Tampa Bay Chinese School is my first job here. I love children and spending time with them makes me feel more lively. I really cherish this opportunity. I absolutely love my Chinese culture, and I will do my best to share Chinese culture with anyone who wants to know about it.

I was born in the northern Chinese city of Harbin, which is famous for its snow sculpture. I lived there for 19 years and after graduating high school, I went to the city of Hangzhou in the southern part of China for college. I want my life to be full of diversity, and that's also the idea of my Chinese class. I want to make Chinese study a fun journey.
Tao Yang
大家好! 我叫杨韬,来自中国的上海, 追随丈夫途经日本近十年, 于二OOO年才千里迢迢在美国的TAMPABAY 安家落户. 直至大学毕业,我一路接受的是中国的传统教育. 在语文特级教师的母亲的”亲切”指导下,我打下了良好的中文基础. 出国以后,我深刻体验中国改革开放,国力强大后所产生的影响力. 中文也成为一种越来越重要的国际语言. 来美国不久,我让我的两个孩子开始学习中文, 并在两年前开始在自己家中使用和中文学校相同的教材给附近的孩子们上中文课. 我非常高兴能有机会加入到TAMPABAY中文学校来. 我将在这里教中文1B和中文七年级.
希望大家多多关照. 本人爱美食,运动和旅游, 有相同爱好者请随时找我.

Hello, everyone! My name is Tao Yang, in Chinese it would like this: 杨韬 (If you recognize it, you could skip my class and go directly to level 10). This fall semester is my new start in TBCS. I’ll teach Chinese 1B and Chinese level 7 here. I came from Shanghai, educated and worked as a mechanical engineer there. Thanks to my mother who was a very experienced Chinese teacher for forty-years, I have very strong Chinese language background. I also have a multi language experience and life – spend 10 years in Japan and moved to Tampa Bay in 2000. So, Chinese, Japanese and English are part of my life. For a while, I stayed home for raising my two kids with a multi language environment. From 2007, I started to teach Chinese to the children from neighborhood by using the same text book as TBCS plus many unique activities, for which kids are very enjoying to learn Chinese. Though Chinese is not easy to learn for American people; but I think it is important to try to find a way to let the Chinese to be fun to learn! I’m happy to have this opportunity to join to TBCS. I hope I will bring you a new adventure to the Chinese world.
Tieying Wei

大家好! 应学校领导的要求,简单说几句介绍一下我和我在中文学校的教学工作。

Course Description: 语言的学习必须要做到听说领先, 读写跟上。重要的课文, 章, 节要背诵, 有些要会默写。To learn language, what you have to do is making listening and speaking first, and making reading and writing second, and being able to recite important text, chapter, and section, write some of them from memory.

Prerequisite:有一定的中文基础 Have some Chinese ability
Age Recommendation:十岁左右 Around ten years old
Twila Dickerson
I would like to use the classic Black Beauty as a summer reading and the SAT Official study guide as the SAT review book. I would conduct class discussions about the key concepts (including anthropomorphism) and learn vocabulary in context as it appears in the text. In addition to studying this book with the students, I intend to teach/review these basics: the clause vs. the phrase which leads to types of sentences--simple, compound, and complex, subject and verb agreement, pronoun/antecedent agreement, parts of speech (including the verbals--gerund, participle, and infinitive) singular and plural indefinite pronouns and how they work with prepositional phrases. I will have one major writing assignment, which will be taught through the writing process. I have a list of writing hints (use of strong verbs--avoiding informal diction, etc.) that I will share with the students. I use these in my IB classroom with the teaching of writing.

I have 30 years of teaching experience. I currently teach at King High School in the IB program and have taught there for 10 years. I have also taught as an adjunct professor at the Dale Mabry campus of Hillsborough Community College. I have 3 masters' degrees: one in English, one in elementary education, and one in curriculum and instruction.
I enjoy teaching. The part I love best is the interaction with the students. It's a much about the journey as it is the destination.
Wei Xue Early Dev. Prog. 1B

大家好! 我叫薛蔚。 Enlish Version





第一是爱心 - 用真心去爱每一个孩子,不管他们是乖巧的,还是调皮捣蛋的; 不管他们是伶牙俐齿的,还是一言不发的,他们在我的眼中都是一样的。
第二是耐心 - 我的大女儿曾对我说过:
"妈妈,你和别的妈妈最大的不同点是你特别有耐心。你从来不会跟我们大喊大叫。" 女儿的话深深打动了我。我会用同样的耐心去对待我的学生。
第三是恒心 - 我的最大的优点(也许也是缺点吧) 就是执着。一旦我下定决心要去做一件事,我就绝不会放弃, 而且一定要做好。我想,在教学的过程中我一定会遇到这样或那样的问题,我一定不会轻言放弃的。


Hello everyone! My name is Wei Xue. 中文版

Starting this Fall Semester, I am going to join Tampa Bay Chinese School and teach Early Childhood Development Class A and B.

As a mother, I want my two daughters to not only have academic achievement at school, but also remember their cultural origin and be able to speak, read and write fluently in Chinese.

Three generations from my family are teachers, my grandfather, my aunt, and my sister. I had the great opportunity to teach Chinese at Guanghua Chinese School in Philadelphia, PA for four years, and I was deeply touched by the love and support from all the parents and students.

As a teacher, I believe that I must constantly improve my knowledge. I can learn from other teachers, parents and students. During my spare time, I enjoy teaching dance and arts; I love reading, writing, painting, sewing, cooking, swimming, tennis, singing and dancing. I wish that my passion for life could influence all my students.

Additionally, I will try my best to reach the following three goals:

1. Love
Give each child my true love. No matter what kind of children they are, I will love them the same.

2. Patience
Once my daughter told me why she thinks I am different from other mothers: my patience. I will be patient with each student.

3. Perseverance
I will never give up.
I will contribute my knowledge, my skills, and my passion to the teaching in Tampa Bay Chinese School and to the Chinese Society. I hope that my effort will make a difference.

Wendy Beaver
I received my Ph.D. in Literature from Florida State University in 1999 and taught three years at Rollins College before making the transition to secondary school. I enjoy teaching English II and English II honors at Freedom High School, where I am the assistant department chair. I recently earned my National Board Certification, and am also a trained Princeton Review SAT course instructor/ former professional SAT Essay scorer.

Dr. Wendy M. Beaver
Cooper Hall 354
Xiaopeng Wang
About Me:
I hold a Ph.D. in mass communication and journalism from Ohio University and have been teaching journalism since 2006. Before coming to the states, I worked at newspapers, television and news Web sites as a journalist in Beijing, China. From being a journalist to an educator, I hope to make learning Chinese language a fun experience.

About the Course:
SAT II Chinese is a new course, aiming to enhance students' language skills, prepare them for the SAT test, and expose students to Chinese culture. Students at advanced level in Chinese can be enrolled in this course. The textbooks for this course are Chinese SAT II and Chinese SAT II Vol. 2. By focusing on the SAT II sample tests, this course will provide students with the related cultural background and in-depth explanations regarding the questions.
Xiaoying (Sharon) Li
I graduated from Hunan Normal University, and got my Master’s degree in Library Science from Louisiana State University. I have six years of teaching experience. I love kids and think it is fun to work with them.
Xinai Guo
郭新爱的教师个人介绍 和 Grade 11的课程介绍


手机号码:(813)766 7757

My name is Xinai Guo. I got my Master’s degree of Chemistry in China. Before coming to the USA, I had been working as a chemistry teacher for three years in a key high school in Guangzhou, China, and I received formal and intensive training of how to be a teacher. As a teacher, I speak standard and fluent Mandarin. In addition to teaching chemistry to seniors, I also worked as the head teacher for the senior class, which involves a lot of administrative work. I earned the students’ respect and love because of my lively and vivid teaching style, as well as the fact that we got along with each other quite well. At the same time, my teaching result turned out to be quite constructive. To help my students to learn the knowledge with joy, I often summarize and improve my teaching methods. I love education, and the feeling of being with my students. I also will cherish this teaching opportunity in TBCS, trying my best to teach Chinese effectively to my students.
The students from my class age from 14 to 18, most of whom are from Chinese-speaking family background. Their Chinese listening and speaking ability is of a relatively high level, compared with their reading and writing, which yet need improvement. We use the 11th Volume of the textbook Chinese published by Jinan University, Guangzhou and its corresponding workbook. Of course I will add some materials that interest the students to diversify our teaching materials. In this way, the students can master the new words, expressions and express themselves efficiently by using the words and sentences. Our class will focus on improving the students’ reading and writing by means of reading the textbook, keeping a diary, telling stories and taking quiz. To arouse their interest in learning Chinese, I will adopt various of teaching forms, like watching videos of text related materials, competitions between groups, collective discussion, and reading Chinese to music. I hope all the students can have the chance to actively participate in these learning and exercise activities. By completing this volume, the students will make big progress in reading and writing, and further improvement in listening and speaking.
If you have any questions, please reach me by email:
Or cell phone: (813) 766 7757
Yan Jiang
Tampa Bay Chinese School
Grade 7
My name is Yan Jiang. I am the teacher of Grade 7 in Tampa Bay Chinese School and have worked here for two years. I love my students and hope them able to reach a higher level through my class. I always believe that a good teacher should stimulate students’ enthusiasm for learning rather than stuff them with knowledge. I will try my best to let my students not only able to learn Chinese well but also love to learn our Chinese culture.


Course Description:
As a high level Chinese class, this course will focus on teaching students not only how to read and write Chinese words but also how to appreciate the whole article. The goal above will be met by generating different kinds of learning activities. This course will draw on the teachings of Chinese vocabularies, basic Chinese history, and Chinese famous poems, etc. At the end of the semester, students will be able to read the required articles fluently, use new words in writing correctly and recite one or two poems clearly, etc.

Yujuan Zhai