Teaching Method
The teacher showed sufficient mastery of content;
provided for student participation in the classroom; asked logical, purposeful and thought-provoking questions; provided interesting and adequate reinforcement; modified procedures in working with students of varying abilities; provided motivation and stimulation; maintained student interest and attention; managed routine so as to avoid confusion; showed evidence of sound preparation for class; provided students with directions that are clearly thought out and well stated; knew if the pacing is adequate; and carefully Planned student assignments.
Work Attitude
The teacher was scarcely or never late for class; had positive attitude toward students, school, and parents; treated all students equally; used positive and supportive statements towards students; maintained a friendly and respectful teacher-student/parent relationship; and exhibited poise, voice control, and tact.
Teaching Content
The teacher taught contents that are conform with
school’s requirements; added relevant materials that had helped students learn Chinese language and culture; and provided enrichment or remediation where needed; Any offensive contents, political opinions, religious believes, or commercial promotions are prohibited at the TBCS.
Student Progress
Students demonstrate continuing progress during the school year