Course Description (课程介绍):
The eighth grade class is a high level class that prepares students for the Advanced Chinese class. Students should have certain abilities in speaking, reading, and writing in Chinese. The class will be focused on learning vocabulary, word recognition, forming sentences, and reading comprehension. We will also be going over basic grammatical rules, sentence patterns, and idiom usage. Students will to comprehend as well as write their own texts and essays in Chinese. In addition, students will learn more about Chinese culture and history.
中文第八册适应于学生已完成七年级的中文课程或相应的水平。 八年级教学着重于提高学生的语言表达能力,阅读能力和写作能力。全课采用标准标准普通话教学, 教学中将介绍中文语法,语句,成语的用法。同时介绍中国传统文化和历史知识。
黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。 豆蔻少年未来期,最是读书汉文时。