School News

4th Grade Student Mason Edmund Won Top Prizes at 11th FCTA Student Contest

ID: 64 Published: 4/20/2016 7:35:55 PM

Congratulations to our 4th Grade student Mason Edmund (Mrs. Keri Xu’s class) for winning 2 prestigious awards from the 11th Annual Florida Statewide Chinese Competition. Mason participated in the Introductory Middle School Speaking and Reading/Writing Chinese contest events, and won one Excellent and one Outstanding Performance awards, respectively.

Mason has been attending Tampa Bay Chinese School on Sundays since fall 2015, while he also studies Chinese as the elective foreign language class at his regular school. Coming from a non-Chinese speaking family, Mason had to overcome many extra challenges that most of the students at TBCS don’t have. The two State-wide awards are the ultimate testimony of his extraordinary dedication, hardworking, and talents in learning the world’s most populous yet extremely difficult language. We’re all very proud of Mason’s achievement and wish him continue to excel in future competition events.

We also encourage the students at our school and in Tampa Bay community to participate various forms of Chinese learning related events. To learn more about annual Chinese student competition, please visit the Florida Chinese Teacher Association website.


热烈祝贺我校四年级Keri Xu老师班的梅森(Mason Edmund)同学今年二月份在迈阿密举行的第十一届佛罗里达全州中文大赛中赢得了两个重要奖项。梅森参加了初级中学口语和阅读/写作两个项目的比赛,在口语项目上赢得了优秀奖, 阅读和写作获得了杰出奖。这是梅森多年努力坚持中文学习的结果。这一成绩不仅是他个人的荣誉,也是我们中文学校的荣誉。

梅森多年来不仅一直坚持在我们中文学校学习,而且把中文作为学校的第二语言选修课,更难得的是他是生活在非中文家庭环境中, 学习中文的难度可以想像,但他做到了。

我们都为梅森的优异成绩感到非常自豪,并祝愿他继续努力学习中文,永不放弃,掌握这一世界上使用人口最多但也是极具挑战性的语言。我们同时也鼓励更多在我们学校学习和坦帕湾社区生活的学生积极参与校内校外的各种中文比赛和活动并把你们的成绩报告给我们的学校。欲了解更多中文学生州际竞赛事宜, 请访问佛州中文教师联会网站Florida Chinese Teacher Association website

award certificates