Teahcer's Profile

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Hongyan Wang
Speciality: Language
Email: chinahy@hotmail.com

I am from Xi'an,China,an ancient capital of Chinese ancient civilization .I have been working in Beijing before I moved to Tampa Florida.Now I teach fifth grade at Tampa Chinese School,I feel very honored to teach Chinese language and Chinese culture to our next generation!

Fifth Grade is a critical and important transition period to our students;my course will focus on enhance and strengthening the basic Chinese knowledge to our kids.It will cover Chinese text's background and contents with its word expansion. I will also add Chinese idioms during my teaching because I want our kids enjoying by using those idioms to abbrev their texts but also enhance the language skill.

I will also focus on Chinese Sentence Patterns,Related words,Related phrases in my classes.All of above will help our students to learn Chinese more efficiently and meaningfully.

Teaching is an art teaching should also be fun."People-oriented,Studying with fun."is always my style and my philosophy.I really hope our kids enjoying my style of teaching and learn our language faster.

