Teahcer's Profile

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Dr. Mei Sun
Speciality: Language
Email: smei1227@yahoo.com

My name is Mei Sun. I graduated from Beijing Medical University (current name: Peking University Health Science Center). I work on medical research as a research associate at University of South Florida College of Medicine. At the Tampa Bay Chinese School, I have been working as an assistant principal for five years and principal for one year. Although both of my parents were college teachers, I have no formal teaching experience. However, working at Tampa Bay Chinese School for so many years, I have learned different teaching skills from our teachers, and I know our students’ learning abilities and the parents’ expectations. I would like to work with my students to achieve their goals of excelling in Chinese by being not only a teacher but a friend. I hope to achieve this by playing games with them and rewarding them to challenge themselves in all sorts of competition.  I will pay individual attention to accommodate the many students of different ages and from different language backgrounds. I will focus on improving students’ Chinese listening and speaking skills by using Chinese conversation in class as much as possible. I will use index cards to help students to recognize new Chinese characters and use extra reading materials to help them to memorize these new words. My ultimate goal of teaching is to stimulate students’ interest in learning Chinese and to motivate them to achieve their personal goals.

大家好,我叫孙梅。 我毕业于北京医科大学(现北京大学医学部),一直从事基础医学研究工作,现就职于南佛罗里达大学医学院。 由于女儿曾在坦帕湾中文学校学习,我从家长志愿者做起,陆续做了5年中文学校副校长和1年校长。尽管我出生在教师家庭,我本人并没有太多的教学经验。但是在中文学校任职的经历让我有机会接触到了有着不同教学风格的老师,也对中文学校学生的学习特点和家长的需求有了深入的了解,并逐渐形成了我自己的教学理念。我希望我和我的学生们不仅是师生,更是朋友,是玩伴,我们将一起在儿歌、故事、游戏中学习中文,在各种抢答、比赛中挑战自己,我将尽我的力量帮助学生实现他们学习上的目标。对有着不同年龄和语言背景的学生,我将因材施教,力求挖掘他们自身的潜力。在教学中我注重听、说和识字(阅读)的培养,在课堂上尽量多的使用中文,给孩子们创造一个中文学习环境,并用大量的阅读来重复他们学过的生字,希望他们能学以致用,真正体会到学习中文的乐趣,以实现中文学习的目标。